IRENE. The Code is a list of helpful suggestions – nothing more, nothing less.
EVE. Which we follow, or our movies get 86'd.
IRENE. If you like.
EVE. I don’t.
IRENE. Like it or not, Miss Randolph, that is how it is. (Beat) I applaud your decision to marry. And turn your back on your colorful past. I would like to think our involvement in this community had a hand in your decision. It is a commendable choice. (Beat) If, indeed, your motives are genuine. If, indeed, you have nothing to hide.
(IRENE sits on couch.)
JUNO. What could we be hiding? (JUNO shifts in the chair. The bottles CLINK. JUNO stands and walks to EVE.) Tell her, Eve. (Beat. EVE stares at him.) Go on.
EVE. (After a beat) Have you ever been in love, Mrs. Stearns?
IRENE. The late Mr. Stearns and I were very much in love.
EVE. Then you know the power it can hold over you. (EVE’s tone changes.) I was starved for love, and that’s the worst place you can be. When you need it desperately like that, you can do crazy things. Mad things. Shameful things. Wanton love can destroy you – but if you’re lucky, you can find a special love that will purify you. Make you whole again. Give you hope. That’s the love that’s waiting for me. That’s the love I’m going to hold on to. Come what may. As long as I’m able.
(EVE collapses in JUNO’s arms. IRENE is moved, dabs her eyes. JUNO whispers to EVE.)
JUNO. Was that from one of our films?
EVE. My audition for that feature at Paramount. Ginger Rogers got the part, the cow.
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